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Poster Session
Intestinal Transplantation


Dr. Peyman Arasteh, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Selecting candidates for multi-visceral transplantation in neuroendocrine tumors (NET) of the gastrointestinal tract; A review of two cases

Miss Gimena V Galdeano, Argentina
Parenteral nutrition free survival in pediatric patients with short bowel syndrome: transplantation vs. serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP), a paired matched case-control study

Maria Virginia Gentilini, Argentina
Analysis of immune cells draining from the abdominal cavity as a novel tool to early prediction of clinical events. Prospective multicenter study - INIGMA follow-up report

Prof. Carmelo Loinaz, Spain
A case of multivisceral transplantation in a patient with diffuse portal thrombosis, budd-chiari syndrome, previous portal-ivc shunt thrombosis and dalteparin allergy

Hamed Nikoupour, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Current challenges to starting an intestinal transplant program in the world today: Perspectives from emerging economy

Camila Caceres, Argentina
Endovascular thrombectomy in a chronic upper cava syndrome due to long term home parenteral nutrition. New hope to extend life support.

Dr. Hector Solar, Argentina
Thyroid infection caused by invasive aspergillosis in solid organ transplantation: a case report

Dr. Pooya Vatankhah, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Intestinal transplantation in a country without home parenteral nutrition; the largest report from the middle east

Dr. Gerard Greig, Switzerland
Population Model Confirms Predictable Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacodynamic (PD) Profile for Apraglutide: Data from Two Randomized Phase 1 Studies

Dr. Gerard Greig, Switzerland
A Phase 1, Open-Label Evaluation of the Pharmacokinetics and Safety of a Single Dose of Apraglutide in Subjects with Normal and Impaired Renal Function

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